Barrington Public Schools has partnered with the Rhode Island Interlocal Risk Management Trust to offer optional Insurance to protect Chromebooks used by the school's students.  

Our current quotes are as follows:
1 Year Term - $24.00
2 Year Term - $47.00
3 Year Term - $59.00
Click here for flyer

Claims for damage will be processed by the district.

Online Registration will be open from the date of distribution until September 20th.
If interested, parents can purchase an insurance policy by visiting:​

  • Select the term option desired

  • Enter Student First Name, Last Name, and Student ID

  • Clicks “Add to Cart” button to purchase the policy using a credit card

The Student ID can be found on the sticker on the bottom of the Chromebook.  It is a 4 digit Year of grad followed by lastname, first initial, i.e. 2018SmithJ.

If you have any trouble with your insurance policy, contact Dave Burrows, Director of Technology at