Reminder: HMS Open House is tonight! Grade 4 @5:30 grade 5 @6:30- due to space, please only adults

HMS Open House Reminder: Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Wednesday October 2, 2019 Grade 4- 5:30-6:15 Fifth Grade 6:30-7:15. Adults only please due to space concerns.

Interested in working for @bps_ri? We are hiring a long term special education substitute and a special education intern. Interns receive a benefits package. Both positions required Rhode Island Special Education Certification. Contact matthesk@barringtonschools.org 401-245-5000

Congratulations, Barbara Hughes! The @bhs_ri music teacher was recognized as Barrington’s Teacher of the Year.

Congratulations! The @bhs_ri music teacher was honored as Barrington’s Teacher of the Year at Waterfire tonight.

Congratulations to Melanie Roy! The @bms_ri library media specialist was honored as the Rhode Island Library Media Teacher of the Year!

Flu Clinics Info

All PTO event dates have been entered onto the webpage in EVENTS. Please be sure to mark your calendars!

Math, math, math in grade 4.

Fun lesson creating our classroom charter with Mrs McGee!

Collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking. Working on learning and practicing the 6 C’s of PBL prior to commencing future projects.

The teachers here use highly effective practices! It’s an amazing team!

Great turnout for our PTO meeting tonight! Thank you HMS parents!

Here’s the link for the ARTS ALIVE Shrek registration! https://artsalivebarrington.org/hampden-meadows-school/

Sign up! for PTOFFICE for HMS! It allows you access to multiple opportunities! I will also give you the option to join the PTO too! https://tools.ptoffice.com/reg/R_HMP0E3
The password is HMS2019

Mrs Cabral’s class has a place value showdown. Fun ways to engage with math!

An opportunity for 11-13 year olds!

Monday Morning Meetings - connecting after the weekend!

Meet some of our new staff!