Barrington Middle School 

“We are BMS”

BMS Connected Learning Newsletter: January 4, 2022

The BMS Learning Community is Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Excel! 


Barrington Middle School’s Mission is to empower all students to excel in character, citizenship, collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking, so that they may positively impact the future.

Important Dates:

  • Friday, January 7, 2022 - Principal “Virtual” Luncheon from 12 - 1 - link to be sent out closer to Friday

  • Monday, January 17, 2022 - No School Martin Luther King Jr Day

Stay Connected with BMS:

This Week’s Schedule: 

Week of January 3, 2022







Non Block






Grade 6 Block

Non-Block 7&8


Grade 6 Block Non-Block 7&8

BMS Spotlight on Learning!

This week we would like to shine our BMS Spotlight on Mrs. Kelsey Carroll. Kelsey Carroll is always looking at ways to creatively engage students in the humanities. One of the ways Mrs. Carroll is able to do this is with her inclusion of multiple perspectives in the curriculum. One thing that I have been amazed with is her knowledge of her students and the rapport she has built with families. Thank you, Mrs. Carroll, for all the great work you do for the BMS learning community!

Do you know of a BMS Faculty/Staff/Student member that is shining bright? If you do, please complete the form below and we can include the nomination in an upcoming newsletter. 

BMS Spotlight Nomination 

~New Items~

The following items are new to this week’s newsletter! 

Distance Learning Eligibility: 

Students are eligible to engage in distance learning for 3 reasons: 


  1. The student is confirmed COVID-19 positive in the RIDOH portal (PCR or Antigen or Self-Report test entered into the RIDOH portal (note: self-report is allowed the week of Jan 3 but may change).

  2. The student is unvaccinated and designated as close contact by the school. 

  3. The student is unvaccinated and designated a home close contact. 


Once we have this confirmation, we (BMS Admin and/or Nurse Maddy) will add the student to the BMS Distance Learning List 2021 - 2022. 

Students who are not on the list will not be eligible for distance learning but may engage in learning via Canvas. 

Once a student is added to the list, teachers do have 24 hours to prepare for zoom/distance learning. 


We are excited to announce that during the month of January, BMS will be reinstituting lockers. This will be a slow roll-out as grade levels and clusters will be developing their locker schedules, clusters will be assigning lockers, and students will have time to practice lockers. 

Eagles Gazette:

Click here to read your latest edition of the Eagles Gazette!

Principal Virtual “Luncheon”:

Please join Dr. Anderson this Friday, January 7 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm for an open forum to ask general questions about BMS.  The zoom link will be sent out closer to Friday to all families.


~Older Items~

The following items are older but still relevant and important! 

BMS Book Club:

Join us on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 8 AM in the BMS Library to chat about A Place to Hang the Moon by Kate Albus. The author will meet with us virtually, read a passage from the book, and answer some of our questions. Sign up here

BMS Yearbook:

It’s time to order your BMS 2021-2022 Yearbook!  Click here for all the information you need to order!

COVID-19 Protocols: 

Full COVID Protocols are available on the District website by clicking here. Please note that all staff, students, and visitors will be required to wear a mask in the building. All visitors will be required to show proof of vaccination, as well. 

Consent for COVID Testing: 

Below you will find a link for our BMS Student Voluntary Consent for COVID testing:

Student Voluntary Consent for COVID testing


Who should complete this voluntary consent for COVID testing: 

  • Any student who participates in BMS Sports. (Note: all non vaccinated BMS athletes must be tested once a week)

  • Any student who is in our BMS Band and plays a wind instrument. (Note: all non vaccinated BMS wind instrument players must be tested once a week)

  • Any student who is in our BMS chorus (Note: all non vaccinated BMS chorus students must be tested once a week)

  • Any student, for whatever reason, wants to have our BMS medical staff take a COVID test at any time for any reason. (Note: students who are not on the consent to test list will not be allowed to test).