Barrington Middle School

“We are BMS”

BMS Connected Learning Newsletter: Week of 2.23.2025

The BMS Learning Community is Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Excel! 


Barrington Middle School’s Mission is to empower all students to excel in character, citizenship, collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking, so that they may positively impact the future.


Bienvenido, Bienvenu, Bem-vindo, Willkommen,

歡迎, benvenuto, Hoş geldin,Καλώς ήρθατε

Fáilte, Bem-vindo, स्वागत छ, добро пожаловать, vitajte

Ласкаво просимо, üdvözlöm, 환영합니다

,  স্বাগত, 欢迎,



,ברוך הבא

to BMS 

This year, we would like to celebrate and recognize the various languages spoken at Barrington Middle School. If you would like to include the language spoken in your home, please complete the following link. 

Let’s Celebrate the Languages Spoken at BMS 2024 - 2025

Important Dates:

  • BMS School Improvement Meeting:  February 25, 2025 from 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm 

  • Advisory Day: Thursday, February 27, 2025 

  • Sports Night: Friday, February 28, 2025, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

  • Career Day: Friday, March 7, 2025 

  • Start of Trimester 3: Monday, March 17, 2025

Barrington Public Schools believes accessibility and inclusion benefit everyone. The District is committed to planning accessible events and providing reasonable accommodations to support the full participation of all members of our community. For accommodations, please contact Barrington Middle School at 401.247.3160

Stay Connected with BMS:

2 Week Look Out:
























Activities or Events

School Improvement Team 

Advisory Day 

Sports Night
























Activities or Events

7th Grade Career Day 

~ BMS Current and Relevant News ~

Sports nights: 

We are excited to inform you that BMS will continue our longstanding tradition of hosting Sportsnights for our BMS students. We will have a Sportsnight this Friday, February 28, 2025 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Please see the helpful hints below. Looking forward to a fun evening! I will be reviewing these items with our students a little later this week. 

What are Sportsnights?

  • Sportsnights are opportunities for students to socialize outside of school hours. 

  • A DJ provides music in the student union and the large gymnasium is open for basketball and other games. In addition, we will have board games, organized games, and quiet areas for students to play and relax. Proceeds from ticket sales and snack sales go to the student council and clubs/clusters/groups that are hosting the event. 

  • Sportsnights are chaperoned by the Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers, and Staff.

What are Sportsnights Procedures/Expectations: 

  • Only BMS students may attend.

  • Students need to be present all day during the day of a Sportsnight to attend.

  • Tickets are $5 at the door. It is helpful for students to have exact change. 

  • Students may bring additional money for snacks.  

  • Drop off: Front loop or side parking lot; not before 5:50pm.

  • Pick up: Students are dismissed at 8:00pm. Parents may pick up in the front loop or side of the building. 

  • Cell phone rules: No cell phone use in Sportsnight. If students need to make a call, please have your child see one of the chaperones. 

  • If for some reason a student needs to leave early, the student may only be picked up by his/her family member. Students will not be able to go home early from a Sportsnight with another parent. 

Sports Night Donations: 

For this particular Sports Night, it will be a fundraiser for our upcoming 8th-grade field trip to Washington, DC. With that said, donations and help is needed. Please see the link below to sign up for donating snacks and drinks. I would like to thank everyone who has already donated items to make this a special night for our students.

Trimester 3 Schedules: 

I would like to thank our counseling and technology team for working hard to finalize our teachers’ and students' Trimester 3 Schedules. Please note that the first day of Trimester 3 is March 17, 2025. If you have a question about your schedule, please reach out to your school counselor. 

6th Grade: Mrs. Stephanie Nary (

7th Grade: Mrs. Jaime Poirier (

8th Grade: Mrs. Krystal Leary (

BMS Yearbook:

Order your BMS Yearbook today!  Only $40.

  • Visit

  • Click on “Order Yearbooks”

  • Password:  BMS25

  • Continue checkout

Absolute last day to order will be April 22, 2025Click here for more detailed yearbook information.

BMS Eagles Gazette Newspaper:

Click here for the latest BMS news!

Dinner Done - BMS PTO/Arts Alive! Fundraiser:

Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 4:00-8:00 pm, order dinner from Papa Gino’s (623 Metacom Avenue, Warren).  Papa Gino’s of Warren will donate 20% of your meal’s price to the BMS PTO/Arts Alive! programs.  Call 401-245-6700 directly and mention the fundraiser before you order or visit the Papa Gino’s website directly and use the coupon code of “19”.  (3rd party delivery apps are not included).  

Newsies Jr is coming soon to BMS!:

The BMS PTO & Arts Alive production of Newsies Jr is coming up in just a few weeks. Shows are Friday 3/14 at 7pm, Saturday 3/15 at 1pm and 7pm, and Sunday 3/16 at 1pm. Tickets are on sale now and selling out fast. You can purchase them here

For families involved in the play, please check out the PTO Newsies Store to purchase play t-shirts and performance digital downloads. T-shirts are only available to order through Monday 3/3. 

BMS 8th Grade Field Trip:

The latest family communication may be found here.

BMS Family Learning Walk:

New date for last BMS Family Learning Walk of the year - due to a scheduling conflict, the next BMS Family Learning Walk will now be on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 from 9:30 - 11:00 am (moved from Monday, March 10).

Family Learning Walks are an opportunity for families to tour the building and see teaching/learning in action. Families may or may not see their own child’s classrooms.

If you are interested in attending this walk, please sign up here.  Space will be limited to 15 individuals per visit. A confirmation email will be sent to individuals confirming their participation.  

Drop-off Notice:

Student drop off in the mornings is allowed only from the designated drop off lanes.  For the safety of our students and staff, as well as to keep traffic flowing correctly, dropping off your student in the faculty parking lot is prohibited. 

~ BMS Student Activities ~

District-Wide Art Show:

During the month of March, the Barrington Public Library will display artwork by students from the district.  The students were encouraged to reuse and recycle found materials to create art, thus reducing their impact on the environment.  A reception for Barrington Middle & High School students will be held at the Barrington Public Library, 281 Country Rd, Collis Family Gallery on Thursday, March 6 from 5:30 - 6:30 pm.

~ Spotlight on Learning ~ 

This week, we would like to shine our BMS Spotlight on Dr. Brian Fernandes, Jo Abella, and Julie Gladding for leading our clusters in data days. Brian, Jo, and Julie did an excellent job leading data based discussions on student progress based on our winter Fastbridge screening. Great work team! 

This week, we would like to shine our BMS Spotlight on our PEARL Team. Thank you, Kelli Polando, Kelsey Carroll, Dr. Mary Ellen Tillotson, Kyle Villella, Melanie Roy, Maddy Crowell, Stephanie Bannon., Katie Goldman, and Gilda Johnson, for your planning and facilitation in such engaging faculty meetings on our ongoing theme of creating a space where all feel like they belong. We would also like to thank our faculty for your participation in these important sessions. 

Do you know of a BMS Faculty/Staff/Student member who is shining bright? If you do, please complete the form below and we can include the nomination in an upcoming newsletter. 

BMS Spotlight Nomination 

~ BMS Standing Items ~

BMS Procedures

  • Dropoff/Pick Up Process - If you choose to drop-off and pick-up your student from BMS, please see this map for directionsBus Eligibility Guidelines

  • Early Dismissal:  Handwritten notes brought to the office before homeroom or emails to are needed every time you need to dismiss your student prior to the end of school.  Middle School level students are not allowed to bike home early, even with permission by note.  ID and a physical presence is required to dismiss your student early. Please note that the last early dismissal of the day is at 2:45 pmPlease click here for full details about dismissing your student early from school.

  • Daily Announcements:  Click this link daily to find out important information about upcoming clubs, sports, enrichment activities and more!