Barrington Middle School 

“We are BMS”

BMS Connected Learning Newsletter: January 19, 2022

The BMS Learning Community is Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Excel! 


Barrington Middle School’s Mission is to empower all students to excel in character, citizenship, collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking, so that they may positively impact the future.

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, February 1, 2022 - BMS PTO meeting (most likely virtual)

  • Wednesday, February 2, 2022- BMS Book Club at 8:00am in BMS Media Center

  • Monday, February 21, 2022 - Friday, February 25, 2022- Winter Break 

Stay Connected with BMS:

This Week’s Schedule: 

Week of January 17, 2022













Grade 6 Block

Non Block 7&8


Grade 6 Block Non Block 7&8

BMS Spotlight on Learning!

This week we would like to shine our BMS Spotlight on Mrs. Lori Dalessio. We would like to shine a light on Mrs. Dalessio for doing double duty and providing social studies support for students from another class while there’s been no teacher. She has worked with the substitute teachers to ensure the students continue to get the instruction and support they need to stay up to speed. (Nominated by Mrs. Naff).

This week we would like to shine our BMS Spotlight on Mrs. Jennifer Scott. She always understands if we are unable to complete something. She always listens and gives out stickers as a reward for getting things correct. She even emailed me about how impressed she was when I did extra credit work. Mrs. Scott deserves this award. She also reminds us on how important or health is (mental and physical) always. (Nominated by Lime Cluster Student, Rose Rakeman).

This week we would like to shine our BMS Spotlight on Mrs. Stephane Nary. I would like to shine a spotlight on Mrs.Nary, she was so helpful and supportive when I told her something big that goes on in my life and she was there to help me. She is a great teacher:) (Nominated by a 6th-grade student). 

This week we would like to shine our BMS Spotlight on Mr. Stuart Moran. Mr. Moran is a great health teacher. He makes lessons fun and I enjoy his classes.(Nominated by a 6th-grade student). 

This week we would like to shine oru BMS Spotlight on Mrs. Alison Pomeranz. Even though she only teaches a couple of kids, she is always helping everyone. She is caring and supports everyone. (Nominated by Lime Cluster Student, Evelyn Kenny). 

Do you know of a BMS Faculty/Staff/Student member that is shining bright? If you do, please complete the form below and we can include the nomination in an upcoming newsletter. 

BMS Spotlight Nomination 

~New Items~

The following items are new to this week’s newsletter! 

Winter Workouts! 

Our cross country/track coach, Larson Gunness, is keeping our students in running shape by offering winter workouts!  No experience necessary and your student does not need to participate in track or cross country to join!

Haven't Signed Up Yet?  We opened up additional slots, so if anyone hasn't been able to sign up, go ahead and log onto this link.  We'll take as many as want to join, so no worries if you didn't sign up yet.  Go ahead and sign up or share this with friends.  Practices are Mondays & Wednesdays right after school from 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm and meet in the Student Union.

For live, in-person sessions, kids should use the restroom beforehand, bring a water bottle, and wear comfortable workout clothing.

Signup Link:

COVID Information- BMS Proof of Vaccination: 

If you have not completed/updated the BMS Proof of Vaccination (Student) form, we do ask that you complete this as soon as possible.. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in completing this form.


Student Voluntary BMS Proof of Vaccination (Student)

COVID Information- Consent to Test: 

By completing the form below you are giving the school permission for your child to be tested for Covid-19 IF he/she is identified as a close contact (home or school) OR if he/she is sick and having symptoms. Please note that this form is NOT permission for weekly asymptomatic testing. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in completing this form. 


Consent for Testing- BMS

BMS PTO Updates:

Happy New Year from the BMS PTO! Here are a few PTO updates to start the new year:

  • There is a PTO meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 1 from 7-8 pm on Zoom. The link will be sent out prior to the meeting. Please join us for updates and to discuss and plan the PTO events for the remainder of the school year.

  • Thank you to all who attended the special PTO meeting on 12/9. There was a unanimous vote to make Arts Alive an official BMS PTO program. We now are in need of a PTO Arts Alive liaison ASAP. Please email us at if you are interested.

  • Please check out our website at for a list of other available PTO positions.

  • There have been some questions about joining the PTO and/or registering in the directory. 

    1. To join the PTO/purchase a membership: 

    2. Go to


    4. Follow the prompts in the BMS Store to purchase membership for $20 per family

  • To add your information to the BMS PTO Directory:

    1. Go to

    2. Click on “Add your name to the BMS directory” and please use the password: BMS2021 (case sensitive)

    3. You will be asked to put in your name and email address and choose a password then check the “terms of use” checkbox.

    4. Click on “Create a new family unit”. (Unless you see someone from your household already registered – then select that household).

    5. Fill out the form with your Contact Info and Household Info.

    6. Once you have entered all your information, hit SAVE. Note: DO NOT PRESS CONTINUE.

    7. Expand the “Family info” section and click “Add a Child”. Here you can enter your child’s first and last name and select your child’s grade and classroom. You can leave the email blank; then click “SAVE CONTACT” at the top.

    8. Repeat step 9 for any additional children.

    9. When finished adding all children, select “SAVE” and then “CONTINUE”.

Arts Alive:

Theatre is back at BMS!  Registration for this year’s production, Revolting:  An Historic Musical Revue, opens on Thursday, January 13 at 6:00 pm and goes through Wednesday, January 26.  Performance dates will be Friday, Apr 8, 2022and Saturday, Apr 9, 2022.  For fees, rehearsal times, etc, please click here for the informational flyer.

~Older Items~

The following items are older but still relevant and important! 

Distance Learning Eligibility: 

Students are eligible to engage in distance learning for 3 reasons: 


  1. The student is confirmed COVID-19 positive in the RIDOH portal (PCR or Antigen or Self-Report test entered into the RIDOH portal (note: self-report is allowed the week of Jan 3 but may change).

  2. The student is unvaccinated and designated as close contact by the school and who does not elect to “test to stay.”

  3. The student is unvaccinated and designated a home close contact and who does not elect to “test to stay.”. 



  • School and home close contacts (both vaccinated and unvaccinated) are able to engage in in-person learning.

  • In order for unvaccinated students to engage in in-person learning, they must agree to “test to stay.” 


Once we have this confirmation, we (BMS Admin and/or Nurse Maddy) will add the student to the BMS Distance Learning List 2021 - 2022. 

Students who are not on the list will not be eligible for distance learning but may engage in learning via Canvas. 

Once a student is added to the list, teachers do have 24 hours to prepare for zoom/distance learning. 

BMS Book Club:

Join us on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 8 AM in the BMS Library to chat about A Place to Hang the Moon by Kate Albus. The author will meet with us virtually, read a passage from the book, and answer some of our questions. Sign up here

BMS Yearbook:

It’s time to order your BMS 2021-2022 Yearbook!  Click here for all the information you need to order!

COVID-19 Protocols: 

Full COVID Protocols are available on the District website by clicking here. Please note that all staff, students, and visitors will be required to wear a mask in the building. All visitors will be required to show proof of vaccination, as well.