Playground construction to begin on Wednesday. Students will have alternate areas for recess. If you access the playground on off hours- please do not use the lower playground area when the caution tape is up. If they get started on Wednesday it should be ready by Monday for use as it needs to set for a couple of days. We will take the caution tape off when it is ready.
Wacky Wednesday - is this Wednesday (tomorrow)- - students can dress wacky- have wacky hairdos! It is meant to have fun.
PTO meeting on Wednesday (tomorrow) 6:30 pm. Flyer coming home today. The presentation is Be Safe.
Arts Alive- they need volunteers every Monday and Thursday for either 2:25-3:30 or 3:30 -4:30. This is to help during rehearsal and with the sign out at the end of rehearsal. If you can volunteer for a shift or two it will be appreciated.