Nayatt News Update 1.29.2021
Empowering All Students to Excel
Snow Day Packets:
This week’s storm was so pretty, but there is a chance for a larger storm next week.
In the event that there are power outages and we are not able to have a virtual snow day, we have sent home packets with up to three days of work for students.
You might want to find those so you are prepared.
Safety Reminders:
Please be sure to stay in your vehicle during arrival and dismissal and allow our staff to support your child getting into a vehicle.
Please pull down to the end of the driveway, in the front, so cars do not back up on Nayatt Road.
Watch for directions from our staff on duty to move.
All cars exit right out of the driveway. Signs are posted.
Great job this week being on time and taking care of our staff! We really appreciate it in the cold weather.
Updated Quarantine and Travel Guidance:
MA, VT, CT, and ME have been removed from the list of states that require a quarantine in RI after visiting them.
This changes regularly so you should check on the RIDOH website.
This should eliminate issues with day ski trips out of state.
Travel Quarantine Updated
Quarantine for 10 days from the date of return
Take a RAPID or PCR test on day 8 or 9 of quarantine, and receive a negative result
Return to school/work on day 11 if symptom-free
Monitor for symptoms through day 14
Close Contact Quarantine Updated
Quarantine for 10 days starting the day after exposure to the positive case
Take a PCR test on day 8 or 9 of quarantine, and receive a negative result
Return to school/work on day 11 if symptom-free
Monitor for symptoms through day 14
Nayatt School Winter Screening:
February 1st-12th-BPS K-3 Fastbridge Screening in ELA and Math to assess student progress and plan for instruction, interventions, and enrichment.
We screen students three times per year to get an indication of their pre-requisite skills.
The children do not need to study or be nervous.
We review the data in grade level teams and make plans for instructional needs.
Mrs. Blanchette, the reading specialist, and Ms. Muccino, the math specialist will be screening our remote learning, both DL and ADL.
Classroom teachers will provide you with screening times for your child.
Students may not have their reading and math groups this week while they are helping with the screening process.
Kindergarten Registration:
Save the Date-Week of February 8th.
The process will take place online, watch for more details.
Nayatt School Lunch Program:
Have a great weekend!
Tracey Learned, Principal
Nayatt School, A Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, 2015