Squish, the Nayatt School Mascot

Nayatt News Update 3.19.2021
Empowering All Students to Excel

Upcoming Events:

Follett Book eFair hosted by the Nayatt PTO:  eFair - Follett Book Fairs
Ends on Monday, March 22nd
40% back to our PTO who funds our field trips, grants, and many other events

School Improvement:
Help us to continue to improve Nayatt School by responding to a brief parent survey on the following:
School Cultural Awareness & Action
Perceptions of School
Perceptions of School Safety
Perceptions of the School Environment
Survey Works Parent Survey
Thank you in advance for your support.  Please complete by March 31st.

RICAS Dates-Grade 3:
ELA Testing-April 13th and 14th
Math Testing-May 11th and 12th
Please make us aware if your child will not be in for these testing dates so we have time to plan and organize for make ups within the state testing window.  Thank you.

Gardens & Grounds Update:
Special thanks to our local Girl Scouts for their spring clean up of the grounds of Nayatt School.  It looks wonderful.  Dara Colacchio had Girl Scouts at Nayatt and Boy Scouts at HMS. Well done!

Trimester Progress Reports for Families, Make sure you are ready to access:

March 25th, end of Trimester 2.March 29th, student progress reports posted in Aspen.
Due to the statewide PD days, there are no formal conferences scheduled for the spring.
Parents can reach out if they have questions or concerns about the progress report or student learning.
What do I do if I cannot find my username and password?  x2help@bpsmail.org

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
Learning for Justice Resources from this week: Addressing Anti-Asian Bias
At last night’s School Committee workshop with the BPS DEI Coach, Teresa Moore, my colleagues and I examined and action planned around ways to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in hiring, communication, extra-curricular activities and more.


Nayatt School Yearbooks:
Created with Coffeepond with the help of our Nayatt PTO Yearbook Chair, Gretchen Corcoran.
Coffee Pond, click “order”, Nayatt Password-123dolphin
On sale through April 30th, $22, scholarships are available.

Many thanks to the Nayatt PTO Hospitality Committee led by Kate Davignon and Kate Reagan who provided the teachers with COVID safe, individually wrapped, Irish Soda Bread and zeppole from Vienna Bakery.
We appreciate the endless kindness and support from our Nayatt families.

Nayatt Lunch Order Form

Community News:

Events at the Barrington Public Library

Eagles Football & Cheerleading Registration

Barrington After Prom Event-March 27th

Barrington After Prom Event-March 30th-Flatbread

Have a great weekend!

Tracey Learned, Principal
Nayatt School, A Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, 2015