
February 24, 2022

Dear Barrington Community,

On behalf of the Barrington Public Schools, the School Building Committee wants to thank you for your participation in our Community Workshop #1.  We are inspired by the passion for educational facilities in our community and look forward to continuing our discussions over the next few months. 

We are pleased to announce that we will be moving forward with several engagement and information sessions that will allow individuals to learn about the strengths, challenges, opportunities, and goals for the District-wide Long-term Master Plan.  The following meetings will provide a deeper dive into the available data and provide opportunities for the Community to ask questions and share their thoughts.  The following Information Sessions are confirmed and will be held via ZOOM:

  • Facilities Assessment (Architect) – Wednesday, March 2, 7-8:30pm:  The Master Plan Team will share information on the existing condition of the schools, such as building envelope, structural analysis, mechanical plants and infrastructure, as well as accessibility and Life Safety assessments. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81932190448
  • RIDE Process (Design Civic) – Monday, March 7, 2022, from 7-8 pm:  Manuel Cordero, our Community Engagement and Programming Consultant, will provide insight into the RIDE process, which drives the Master Plan activities.   https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81932190448

These sessions will be recorded and posted on the District website: https://www.barringtonschools.org/page/barrington-school-building-committee

The Master Plan Team is developing other opportunities for discussion, including the following:

  • Enrollment, Capacity, and Program Equity – TBD
  • Master Plan Visioning by Frank Locker – TBD
  • Post-Visioning Report Out - TBD
  • Presentation of Options - TBD
  • RIDE funding and bonuses and Town Finances (presented by RIDE SBA Staff and BPS Finance Director) – TBD

We look forward to your continued participation in this process.  We will update the schedule as concrete times are selected for each of the meetings.   It is through all our voices together that we have the ability to affect positive change for the students of Barrington.

 Thank you.

 Mike Messore

 Barrington School Building Committee