Registration for School Year 2025-2026 will open on February 3, 2025
Required Documents:
Student Birth Certificate/Passport
Parent/Guardian Government Issued Photo Identification Card
Health Requirements For School Entry
Health History Form (fillable)
Home Language Survey:
If applicable:
Request for Records (fillable)
Request for Special Education Records (fillable)
Please review the information below before beginning the registration process.
Children must be five years old on or before September 1st for Kindergarten
All Required Documentation (Fillable Forms are linked) must be uploaded to the Online Registration Portal under the Documents Tab. Registration will be considered incomplete if required documentation is missing, and will be returned. If you do not have a document scanner you can use a smartphone to take an image of your required document and attach them to the document section.
Registration will be done through our Aspen Portal. https://ri-barrington.myfollett.com/aspen/logon.do
If you are new to the Barrington Public School district, you will need to create an Aspen parent portal account to enroll your child. Detailed instructions can be found here.
A desktop/laptop computer must be used to set up a new account. A new account cannot be created on a mobile device.
If you already have a child enrolled in our school system but do not have a parent portal account, please request an account by emailing Aspenhelp@barringtonschools.org
Log in to Aspen and begin registration. Detailed instructions can be found here.
If you are using a phone or tablet you must switch to “desktop view” to proceed with registration.
For new residents purchasing a home in Barrington, registration can only be completed after the closing date. For new residents renting in Barrington, registration can only be completed after the effective date of the executed lease agreement. Please contact our office with any questions at (401) 245-5000.
New students may not enter school without proof of immunizations.
Admission Requirements and Registration Credentials Policy
If you do not have the means to register online please contact Kate Garabedian (garabediank@barringtonschools.org) to set an appointment for registration.
Incoming Kindergarteners will be contacted by their home school regarding screening which will take place in August before school starts.