School Committee Policies
If you are looking for protocols or policy information on student conduct regarding a specific Barrington school, please visit that school's main website and refer to the Student and Parent Handbook. You may also contact the principal of that school for clarification or additional information.
Section A. District Commitments
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Policy: This policy supports the expectations and strategies outlined in the DEI Implementation Plan, designed to reinforce how race, ethnicity, language, disability, religion, age, sex, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, country of ancestral origin, interrupted education status, military status, or any other category protected by law affect and influence district-wide practices.
Recognition of Religious Holidays Policy: This policy requires Barrington Public Schools to be neutral in matters of religion and shall assume no role or responsibility for the religious training of any student or shall in no way become involved in the religious belief, disbelief or doubt of any student.
Accommodation for Religious Observance Policy: This policy follows the recognition of religious holidays in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution of the United States. It sets forth the protocol required of educators at BPS when requests are made by students to accommodate religious practice and outlines the educational implications for developing religious tolerance and inclusivity.
Video and Audio Recording Policy: This policy approves the use of audio and video recordings for educational purposes including recording student performances for instructional purposes; creating classroom instruction materials; athletic coaching; and providing tools for educator/staff coaching and development.
Video and Audio Recording of Students and Staff Policy: This policy approves the use of video and audio recordings for education purposes.
School Calendar Policy: This policy requires the Superintendent to develop an official school calendar to be recommended to the School Committee for approval and adoption.
Section B. School Committee Governance and Operations
School Committee Membership Policy: This policy outlines the qualifications of School Committee members and the procedures for elections, vacancies, and resignation.
Barrington Public Schools Advisory Committees to the School Committee Policy: This policy identifies and establishes the responsibilities of standing and ad hoc advisory committees to the School Committee. It also outlines opportunities for community involvement in the decision-making process.
School Committee By-Laws : This policy outlines by-laws that govern the School Committee including: election of officers, types of meetings, posting of meetings, conduct of meetings, agenda and meeting materials, legal authority and responsibility, policy development, policy adoption, emergency procedures, and engagement.
Decision-Making Processes and Protocol Policy: This policy defines the essential components of the decision-making process at BPS and provides recurring annual evaluation of the process. It outlines essential components of decision-making protocol including decision-makers, timelines or sequences, communication plans, and measurement of expected outcomes.
Decision-Making Protocol: This document outlines the decision-making protocol followed by BPS.
Barrington Public Schools Communication Policy: This policy affirms that families and community members have a right to know what is occurring in their public schools and that all BPS employees have an obligation to ensure the public is kept systematically and adequately informed.
Policy on Policy: This policy ensures that the School Department and School Committee operate in an effective, efficient, and competent manner.
Superintendent Evaluation Policy: This policy determines the responsibility of the School Committee to evaluate the Superintendent's performance and employment.
Suspension of Policies: This policy outlines circumstances under which School Committee policies may be suspended.
Section C. School Administration
Administration in the Absence of Policy: This policy outlines the Superintendent's power and authority to address and, if necessary, resolve any situation not specifically covered by School Committee policy.
Adoption of the Rhode Island Basic Education Program: This policy ensures that the Barrington Public Schools are in full compliance with the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) Basic Education Program (BEP).
Appeals Policy: This policy outlines the appeals process and structure including the right to file a written appeal to a Building Principal, Superintendent, or School Committee.
Chief Administrative Officer: This policy outlines the process for appointing a Superintendent of Schools.
Distribution of Non-School Materials Policy: This policy defines non-school materials and prevents the distribution of non-school materials in school buildings.
Handbooks: This policy outlines the process for developing building handbooks and affirms that handbook contents may include relevant district-wide school policy and building regulations and procedures.
Policy Implementation: This policy describes the responsibility of the Superintendent and District Administrators to carry out policies established by the School Committee.
Principal Powers and Duties: This policy outlines responsibilities of Building Principals including: serving as the educational administrator for the school, working with the SIT, recommending hiring and terminating of candidates, overseeing management of school facilities, preparing a school budget, evaluating school personnel, and initiating a performance review plan.
School Committee Review of Procedures: This policy outlines the School Committee's right to review procedures issued by the Administration at its discretion.
School Improvement Team (SIT) Policy: This policy outlines the responsibilities of SIT to monitor SMART Goals (School Improvement Plan) for continuous improvement based on the District Strategic Goals (Scorecard), data, and feedback provided by the school and district-based teams such as the data teams, the Health and Wellness Committee, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) teams, and the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support teams.
Superintendent Powers and Responsibilities: This policy determines the powers and responsibilities of the Superintendent.
Section D. Fiscal Management
Budget Statement: This policy describes fiscal responsibility of Barrington Public Schools.
Fund Balance Spending Policy: This policy provides guidelines for budget decisions related to the appropriate use of resources and the maintenance of adequate reserves sufficient to ensure that programs and services continue to students when unanticipated expenditures, emergencies, and/or fluctuations in revenue sources occur.
Meal Charge Policy: This policy establishes consistent meal account procedures throughout the District.
Obsolete Equipment: This policy authorizes the Superintendent to sell, lease, or change in use equipment devoted to school use upon the recorded vote of the School Committee taken at a public meeting.
Transfer of Funds Within Budget: This policy authorizes the Superintendent to, subject to the usual requirements of approval of vouchers, spend at his discretion up to the total of any major object in the budget.
Utilization of Single-Use Products Policy: This policy outlines the District's commitment to equity and environmental stewardship and requires the reduction of the purchase of redundant or unnecessary products for use in the classroom and throughout the school, including the cafeteria.
Section E. Support Services
Accessibility in School and District Events Policy and Protocol: This policy guides the District's commitment to planning accessible events and providing reasonable accommodations to support the full participation of all members of our community.
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Policy: This policy describes the district's responsibility to work cooperatively with all agencies that address child abuse and neglect, specifically with the Division of Child Protective Services of Rhode Island’s Department for Children, Youth, and Families.
Home Teaching Policy: This policy authorizes the Superintendent to hire a teacher for home instruction for a student who is absent from school for a period of extended duration due to illness.
Service Animals Policy: This policy outlines the requirements for bringing a service animal on school property, supervising and caring for service animals, removing a service animal from school property, and dealing with grievances related to service animals.
Special Education Staffing Policy: This policy outlines the plan for providing adequate special education staffing in the District.
Protocol for Special Education Observations Requested by Parents: This document outlines the protocols BPS follows when parents request to observe their child in a special education program or related services session.
Transportation Policy: This policy states that the School Committee shall provide transportation in accordance with the law to Barrington residents attending private and parochial schools.
Transportation Protocol for 2024-2025 School Year: This protocol outlines the bus transportation eligibility for BPS students in relation to the distance from their residence to their school.
Video Cameras on School Buses Policy: This policy allows for the use of video cameras on school buses to monitor student behavior.
Section F. Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness Policy: This policy establishes guidelines and recommendations for all students in the areas of physical education, physical activity, health education, and nutrition to support the health of BPS students and staff through data-driven programs.
Alcohol Sensor Device Policy: This policy outlines ways the District aims to prevent underage inappropriate and/or illicit substance use at school events.
Bullying Policy: This policy, also called the Safe School Act, ensures a consistent and unified statewide approach to the prohibition of bullying at all Barrington public schools.
Communicable Disease Policy: This policy outlines protocols that maximize protection against communicable diseases in the school setting, using guidance provided by state and federal health agencies.
First Aid and Health Emergencies Policy: This policy describes the protocols school and District leaders must follow in the event of first aid and health emergencies.
Food Allergies Policy: This policy ensures that the District provides a safe and healthy learning environment for students with food allergies; reduces the likelihood of severe or potentially life-threatening allergic reactions; ensures a rapid and effective response in the case of a severe or potentially life threatening allergic reaction; and protects the rights of food allergic students to participate in all school activities.
HIV Infected Students and Employees Policy: This policy outlines District responsibilities to and protections for HIV-positive students and employees.
Medical Marijuana Policy: This policy provides governance regarding medical marijuana including provisions for verifying student qualifications, safely administering medical marijuana to students, labeling of medical marijuana products, documenting of administration, and release of liability.
Nathan Bruno Model Suicide Prevention Policy: This policy protects the health and well-being of all students by having procedures in place to prevent, assess the risk of, intervene, and respond to suicide.
Risk Screening Protocol: This document outlines the protocol for Risk Screening, which is characteristically used when there is an indication that an individual is at risk for self-harm or suicide.
School Response to Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Violence Policy: This policy provides guidelines for raising school-wide awareness about teen dating violence and sexual violence; responding to incidents; and preventing new incidents of dating violence, and sexual violence.
Secure Gun Storage Notification Policy: This policy requires the District to take proactive measures to notify, inform, and educate parents/guardians and families of the importance of secure gun storage and legal obligations to protect minors from accessing irresponsibly stored guns.
Sexual Health Education and Services Policy: This policy provides direction and promotes consistency for staff who teach and/or support students in regards to their sexual health and ensures accountability and institutionalization of sexual health education and ongoing access to services consistent with best practice and state law.
School Health Education Topics Notification and Opt Out Protocol: This document informs families/guardians about the health education topics scheduled to be delivered in schools and establishes a process for families/guardians to opt their child out of specific topics while ensuring compliance with Rhode Island General Laws §§ 16-1-5, 16-22-17, and 16-22-18.
Smoking, Vaping, and Other Use of Nicotine Policy: This policy outlaws the use of tobacco, nicotine, or nicotine products in any school building, on any school grounds, at any athletic event, or in any district-owned or used vehicle. It outlines a disciplinary sequence and consequences for violating policy.
Substance Use Policy: This policy prohibits the use, possession, and distribution of prohibited substances within the school environment, which includes any school, school grounds, school-related or school-sponsored activity, whether held on school property or at locations off school property, and in school vehicles.
Title IX Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment: This policy, which is adopted pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) and 34 CFR § 106.45, prohibits sexual harassment of students and employees in connection with any BPS program or activity, whether on or off school grounds, including on school buses, at sports games, on field trips, and while attending or engaging in school-sponsored activities.
Use of Latex Gloves Policy: This policy prevents Barrington school cafeteria or other food service establishment from utilizing disposable, natural rubber latex gloves whether sterile or non-sterile.
Use of Opioid Antagonists Policy: This policy establishes guidelines and procedures governing the utilization of Opioid Antagonists administered by members of the Barrington Public Schools.
Section G. Facilities Development and Environmental Stewardship
Building Access Security Monitoring Policy: This policy outlines the use of video security cameras to monitor activity and reduce and prevent harm to school buildings and building occupants.
Environmental Stewardship Policy: This policy defines the District's role in supporting economic stewardship through systems, resource acquisition and use, curriculum development, community engagement and extracurricular activities.
Naming of School Facilities Policy: This policy establishes guidelines for the process of naming school facilities
Public Use of Facilities: This policy outlines the use of available District facilities by civic, cultural and educational organizations and the process for requesting use of District space.
Rules and Protocols for the Use of School Facilities: This document outlines the protocols for using BPS school facilities for events or purposes outside of school.
Renting Barrington Public Schools Space to Provide Private Lessons or Tutoring Policy: This policy outlines the responsibility of Barrington Public Schools (BPS) when District facilities are used for private lessons or tutoring.
School Bus No Idling Policy: This policy outlines school bus idling standards and applies to the operation of every school bus operating in the district.
School Maintenance and Capital Expenditure Policy: This policy provides guidelines for the maintenance of school facilities and the maintenance of a capital expenditure schedule.
Tools for Schools Policy: This policy relates to Indoor Air Quality (AIQ) and requires that each building principal be responsible for the indoor air quality of their buildings.
Section H. Personnel
Administrator's Benefit Policy: This policy outlines administrator benefits including compensation, paid time off, indemnification, retirement and professional development.
Administrative Leave Policy: This policy establishes procedures for placing employees on administrative leave with pay.
Adoption of The Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards Policy: This policy confirms that Barrington Public Schools fully adopts The Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards in compliance with the Basic Education Program.
Advertising Policy: This policy prohibits advertising by companies or individuals in or on school buildings, vehicles or other property, including athletic fields, or in school communications or at any school-sponsored events.
Barrington Public Schools 403(b) Retirement Plan: This policy describes the Retirement Plan for Barrington Public Schools employees.
Barrington Public Schools Criminal Records-Background Checks Policy: This policy requires all persons seeking employment with the Barrington Public Schools to undergo a national criminal records/background check to be initiated by the prospective employee after receiving a conditional offer of employment.
Code of Professional Responsibility Policy: This policy outlines the District's responsibility for employing professional practice that demonstrates ethical conduct and responsibility.
Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing Policy for Employees -CMV Drivers: This policy requires CMV Drivers in the District to comply with state and federal regulations regarding controlled substance and alcohol testing.
Educator Absence Policy: This policy outlines educator and administrator responsibilities related to absences.
Employee Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy: This policy defines discrimination and harassment, prohibits discrimination and harassment in the District, and describes procedures for reporting.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): This policy outlines the Family and Medical Leave Act, which BPS staff members may qualify for.
FMLA Protocols: This document describes the protocols for providing eligible employees with a leave of absence according to provisions in the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Gifts to Staff Members Policy: This policy outlines the District's position on gifts to staff members.
Grievance Information Policy: This policy outlines procedures for the School Committee must follow after a grievance involving teachers.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Policy: This policy limits the use of and access to Protected Health Information, which is held by the School Department or its lawful agents.
Major Illness Bank Policy: This policy provides an illness-bank benefit for administrators and other eligible employees that are not already covered by one.
Negotiations Policy: This policy obliges the School Committee to "bargain in good faith" and recognizes three employee bargaining organizations that represent secretaries, clerks, teacher assistants, and bus drivers; custodial and maintenance workers; and certified teachers and other non-administrative professional employees.
Non-Certified Employee Benefits Policy: This policy outlines the benefits, including paid leave, professional development, medical and dental insurance, and retirement, allocated to non-certified employees.
Professional Conduct with Students Policy: This policy outlines professional staff responsibility for behavior and conduct with students.
Social Media Use by Staff and Volunteers Policy: This policy establishes protocols and expectations for social media use by BPS staff and volunteers.
Tutoring For Pay Policy: This policy establishes guidelines for tutoring for pay.
Whistleblower Policy: This policy provides a mechanism for the reporting of illegal activity or the misuse of District assets while protecting employees who make such reports from retaliation.
Section I. Instruction and Activities
Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Resources
Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities Policy: This policy outlines the creation and management of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
Deselection Policy: This policy provides guidelines for the deselection and review of instructional and learning resources.
Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Program Policy: This policy expands student access to postsecondary coursework and ensures that Barrington Public Schools and Barrington High School are in full compliance with the Dual Enrollment Equal Opportunity Act.
Field Trip Policy: This policy outlines regulations for field trips including approval, accommodations, chaperones, and funding.
Protocol for Medication Administration at Off-Site School-Sponsored Activities: This document outlines the protocols for administering medication to students at off-site school-sponsored activities, including field trips.
Graduation Requirements Policy (Class of 2023 and beyond): This policy outlines the specific requirements that students graduating after 2023 must meet in order to graduate from Barrington High School (BHS) with a Rhode Island Diploma.
Addendum to the Graduation Policy for Class of 2023-2027: This policy includes world language requirements for Barrington High School (BHS) Class of 2023-2027.
Home School Instruction Policy: This policy outlines guidelines that shall be adhered to when requesting and approving a home instruction program.
Home School Students’ Participation in Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities Policy: This policy permits students living in Barrington and enrolled in an approved home school instruction program to participate in school sponsored curricular or extra-curricular activities provided that they meet the same rules, regulations and policy requirements as those required of regularly enrolled students in the Barrington Public Schools.
Homework Policy: This policy allows teachers to differentiate homework assignments by student to connect content and skills most relevant to the individual student.
Instructional Arrangements Policy: This policy gives responsibility for the assignment of students to administrative staff.
Learning Environment Policy: This policy ensures that all Barrington Public Schools educators will commit to the full implementation of and compliance with the entirety of the Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards Policy and the Rhode Island Code of Professional Responsibility Policy.
Non-School Sponsored Field Trips Policy: This policy outlines the District's responsibility in the event of non-school sponsored field trips.
Program of Studies Policy: This policy outlines the responsibility for the development and implementation of instructional programs and courses of study that will forward the educational goals of the school district.
School Library Bill of Rights Policy: This policy requires school libraries to provide a comprehensive collection of instructional materials selected in compliance with basic written selection principles, and to provide maximum accessibility to these materials.
Selection and Reconsideration for School Libraries Policy: This policy outlines the criteria for selection, acquisition, and collection maintenance of school library texts that will be followed by school library media specialists and principals.
Selection for Instructional Resources Policy: This policy provides guidelines for the selection and review of various categories of instructional resources.
Summer School Credit Policy: This policy authorizes students to make up the credit for two failed courses during the summer.
Teaching Controversial Issues Policy: This policy outlines the duty of public school teachers to be aware of their responsibilities to insure the continuance of a democratic society by democratic means.
Technology Responsible Use Policy: This policy outlines the use of technology provided by the District including ethical conduct, respect for property, internet safety and security, privacy, email use, and regulations.
Textbook and Replacement and Modernization Policy: This policy ensures that textbooks are relevant and modern and requires the District to review all textbooks on a five-year cycle.
Section J. Students
Academic Honesty Integrity Policy: This policy outlines how Barrington Public Schools will support academic integrity and honesty focusing on restorative justice practices and the importance of learning.
Appropriate and Acceptable Uses of AI in Written Work and Academic Assignments Policy (combined with Academic Honesty Integrity Policy): These policies provide guidelines for academic integrity and honesty in student work and guidance for students regarding the appropriate and acceptable uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in their written work and academic assignments while upholding academic integrity and promoting ethical practices.
Student Acknowledgment Form: This form outlines for student acknowledgment the appropriate uses of AI in written work and academic assignments and the restorative justice practices for inappropriate uses of AI.
Admissions and Residency Policy: This policy establishes the admission credentials required for students entering Barrington Public Schools for the first time.
Eligibility Age for Enrollment and Attendance Policy: This policy sets eligibility age and exceptions for kindergarten registration and enrollment.
Free and Reduced-Price Meals and/or Free Milk Policy: This policy outlines the District's responsibility for providing free and reduced-price meals or free milk to eligible children enrolled in school.
Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools: This policy outlines students' rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Privacy Rights of Parents and Students Policy: This policy outlines the rights of parents and students to see, correct, and control access to student records.
School Locker Policy: This policy describes student lockers as property of the Town of Barrington and are in the care, custody and control of the Barrington School Committee.
Student Attendance Policy: This policy outlines the desired goal of regular and punctual attendance of every child in the District.
Student Behavior Policy: This policy ensures that Barrington Public Schools are in compliance with Rhode Island General Law § 16-2-17 "Right to a Safe School."
Student Code of Conduct Protocol: This document outlines the basic principles of conduct that engender a positive approach to student behavior through the use of preventative and restorative practices.
Student Data Privacy and Security Policy: This policy ensures the proper protection of confidential student information and provides guidance regarding the collection, access, security and use of educational data to protect student privacy.
Student Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy: This policy prohibits discrimination against and harassment of students by teachers, administrators, BPS staff members, other students, and third parties such as visitors and volunteers.
Gender Support and Inclusion Policy for Transgender, Gender-Diverse, and Transitioning Students: This policy aims to ensure that the Barrington School Department complies with state and federal regulations and provides a safe and supportive learning environment for all students, including transgender, gender-diverse, and transitioning students.
Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, and Transitioning Students Protocols: This document ensures that BPS is in compliance with the The Rhode Island Department of Education’s Guidance for Rhode Island Schools on Transgender and Gender Nonconforming students.
Student Representative to the School Committee: This policy permits the appointment of one student representative to the School Committee in a non-member, non-voting capacity to help the School Committee gain greater insight into student activities, programs, and needs at Barrington High School; to encourage student involvement in school district governance activities; to provide for the active participation of students in their education; to foster inquiry whereby students may freely express their views and listen to and evaluate the opinions of others, and to demonstrate community service.
Technology Responsible Use Policy: This policy outlines the use of technology provided by the District including ethical conduct, respect for property, internet safety and security, privacy, email use, and regulations.
Unpaid Meal Charge Policy: This policy establishes consistent meal account procedures throughout the District.
Section K. School Community Relations
Access to Public Records Policy: This policy outlines the procedure to help the public gain access to public records.
Communication with Media Policy: This policy outlines procedures building principals must follow when allowing media personnel into their schools.
Gifts, Donations, Bequests, and Memorials Policy: This policy ensures consistency in accepting gifts, donations, bequests and memorials for particular programs or buildings.
Parental Involvement Policy: This policy defines parental involvement and outlines regulations to ensure that required school-level parental involvement policies meet the requirements of Section 1118(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Relations Between School Personnel and the Public Policy: This policy has guidelines for how complaints against the School Department should be handled.
Student Survey Policy: This policy ensures that the District complies with all laws governing student surveys or questionnaires, including but not limited to R.I.G.L. Section 16-38-5, and 45 U.S.C. 46.
Volunteers in School Policy - Including Application: This policy defines volunteers and describes the requirements, safety and security, and liability of school volunteers.
Section L. School Safety
Crisis Management Response Policy: This policy details the District's immediate systemwide Crisis Management Response Plan to significantly reduce disruption and minimize the impact upon students, families, staff and the community in a crisis.
Memorandum of Understanding Between Barrington Police Department and Barrington School Department
Physical Restraint and Crisis Intervention with Students Policy: This policy ensures the safety and security of BPS students and staff and defines the parameters of appropriate physical restraint and crisis interventions.
School Safety Emergency and Crisis Response Plan: This policy outlines guidelines for the District's response to school safety emergencies.
Threat Assessment Policy: This policy establishes Threat Assessment Teams and a Threat Assessment Oversight Committee to prevent school violence by identifying and assessing threats, and developing threat management plans to manage and address the underlying causes of threatening behavior in students.
Risk Screening/Threat Assessment Protocol: This document outlines the protocols for risk screening and assessing threats.