Barrington Public Schools is pleased to announce the selection of Henneous Carroll Lombardo LLC (HCL) as its new legal counsel. At its March 27th meeting, the Barrington School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) in favor of HCL immediately following interviews with all four firms that submitted bids in response to the District’s Request for Qualifications (RFQ).
The selection of HCL concludes the District’s long-time partnership with current counsel, Whelan Corrente & Flanders LLP. Barrington Public Schools is grateful for the support of Whelan Corrente & Flanders and their professional staff who have served Barrington Public Schools in various capacities for more than a decade.
During the process of transitioning Barrington Public Schools to its new counsel, there will be a period of overlap between the two firms to ensure that ongoing work is not disrupted. Barrington Public Schools and the School Committee are committed to serving all members of the educational community in a strategic and fiduciary capacity and the District looks forward to building a better future in partnership with all stakeholders