The firm, Hazard, Young, Attea and Associates (HYA), is assisting Barrington Public Schools and the Barrington School Committee in the search for the District’s next Superintendent of Schools.
HYA seeks anonymous and confidential feedback from Barrington Public Schools educators, staff, students, families, and Barrington community members on a survey designed to gather your perceptions of Barrington Public Schools and your vision for its leadership.
All Barrington residents and BPS employees are encouraged to participate in this survey and share your thoughts with HYA. The survey will be open through Friday, January 19, 2024.
Click Here to Take the Superintendent Search Survey Now
The information collected via this survey will help HYA better understand what qualities, expertise, and characteristics that Barrington is looking for in its next Superintendent. All responses go directly to HYA and will remain anonymous and confidential. The survey does not ask for any personal or identifying information.