Dear BPS Families,
The Superintendent’s School Scheduling Task Force has created a survey to learn about your experiences with the new change in the schools’ start and end times so far this year. With the first quarter of the school year completed, we feel that this is an excellent opportunity to collect feedback from our staff, students in grades 5-12, and our BPS families regarding the new change in the schools’ schedules.
Please take a few minutes to respond to the questions provided. You will have the opportunity to provide a narrative response at the end if you would like to provide feedback in greater detail. Your responses will remain anonymous. The administration will review all comments; however, we will only publish the numerical ratings.
Parents/guardians will be able to complete one survey for each school that your child attends. To access the survey, click on the link in the email. When prompted for a password, enter your Aspen Username.
BHS 2019-2020 Parent Survey - Change in the Schools’ Schedules
BMS 2019-2020 Parent Survey - Change in the Schools’ Schedules
HMS 2019-2020 Parent Survey - Change in the Schools’ Schedules
PK-3 2019-2020 Parent Survey - Change in the Schools’ Schedules
Thank you for completing the survey as your feedback is important to us. If you have any questions, please contact me or Dave Burrows, Director of Technology,
The survey will be open from 11/26/19 until the end of the school day on 12/12/19.
Thank you,
Mike Messore