July 8, 2022
Dear BPS Families,
We would like to update you regarding school meals for the upcoming school year. Prior to the last two school years, school lunches were available at reduced or free pricing only for those families who qualified. Applications needed to be submitted each year in order for the child’s eligibility status to continue.
During the pandemic, the Federal government allowed all students to receive free meals. That waiver will end this fall. Families must now fill out the Household Application for Free and Reduced-Price Meals in order to qualify for free or reduced breakfasts and lunches for the upcoming school year. This is very important and we encourage all families to complete and return the application to see if they qualify. There is no risk in applying to see if you are eligible.
Applying is fast, easy and confidential. Sign up for reduced or free breakfasts and lunches by downloading and completing the Free/Reduced Lunch Application and mailing the completed form to: Barrington Public Schools, 283 County Rd, Barrington, RI 02806.
In addition, you may also consider applying for SNAP, the federal nutrition program that provides eligible residents with monthly financial assistance to purchase groceries. The application for SNAP is available now and more information can be found at: https://healthyrhode.ri.gov/HIXWebI3/DisplayHomePage
Also the Summer Food Service Program is now underway at more than 200 program sites in 15 communities, where free meals will be served to Rhode Island students this summer. To find a summer meals site, families can visit the RIDE website or call 2-1-1.
If you have any questions please contact Kate Garabedian garabediank@barringtonschools.org, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Administration and Finance.
Thank you.
Mike Messore